Monday, March 17, 2008

My RPG Calender 2008

While looking for a useful widget to put a real calendar here, i just add my RPGing of 2008 manually. Later on I guess, I will also add meetings with people for the sole purpose of setting something up.
The star rating indicates how much fun I had subjectively. ***** is for a future event that will kill me, because it is so good. ;) Fun obviously depends on lots of factors. Even with the greatest GM if the interaction with other players does not work out, I won't have lots of fun. Or if another player has all focus in a specific game session, it may be egoistic but I won't enjoy it so much. Also short sessions around 2 hours, most of the time can't build up to the highest fun level.
Also if I GM it could be awful and totally boring for the players and the stars here would just represent that I as GM had fun.




1st Call of Ctulhu: Leprecon One Shot - 4,5 hours - 6 players and GM Mike Mason ***
11th Primetime Adventures: Gilgamesh Pilot - 3 hours - 3 players and me as Director ****

24th Primtime Adventures: Captain, My Captain 1: Failjumps - 3 hours - Jorg;And,Ser,Vla,Dan **

15th Captain, My Captain 2: The Black Hole Navigator - 3 hours - 3 players and me as Director ***
28th D&D3.5 1: To the Goblin mines - 4 hours - Tom;Man,Dan,Jor ***

5th Captain, My Captain 3: Under Zebulon - 4 hours - 3 players and S.G. as Director ***
9th D&D3.5 2: Prisoners in the mines - 2,5 hours - 3 players and T.H. as GM *
19th Captain, My Captain 4: The Holodeck Cure - 3 hours - 3 players and V.F. as Director ***
23rd Captain, My Captain 5: Neither Love Nor Gas - 4,5 hours - 3 players and me as Director ***
26th Savage Worlds: Trial chargen and combat - 3,5 players and V.F. as GM **

16th D&D3.5 3: Nylo's fire powers - 2 hours - 3 players and T.H. as GM *
18th Savage Worlds: Hungary 1820 - 4 hours - 4 players and V.F. as GM **
29th D&D3.5 4: The city is burning! - 2,5 hours - 3 players and T.H. as GM ***

6th D&D3.5 5: City Business - 2,5 hours - 3 players and T.H. as GM ***
17th Savage Worlds: Luftenwelter 1: The Abduction of Lydia - 6 hours - Ser;Dan,Vla,Jor ****
20th Luftenwelter 2: A Pirate's Farewell - 3,5 hours - Ser;Dan,Vla,Jor ****
29th Luftenwelter 3: The Caravan & the Bear - 2,5 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor ***

11th Luftenwelter 4: The Ambush - 3 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor ***
19th d20systemless 1: The Castle Rock Conspiracy - 3 hours - Tom;Jor,Man,Ami ***
26th d20systemless 2: Getting away with knowledge ****

2nd d20systemless 3: An evening in the internet café ****
3rd Luftenwelter 5: The missing guards ***
09th Synnibarr: Dusk on the volcanic island - 3,5 hours - Jor;And,Vla,Ser **
10th Luftenwelter 6: Shieldbreakers in the treasury ***
21st Serenity/Firefly: Character Generation - 1 hour - Ser;Jor,Dan
23rd Serenity/Firefly: Motherload **
24th d20systemless: Bloodbath 4: Escape and the Captain ***
30th Serenity/Firefly: Motherload II ***

4th Luftenwelter 7: On a pirate ship - 2 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor,Dan ***
6th D&D3.5: Nyrondria 6: The druid sleeps with the horses - 2,5 hours - Tom;Ami,Man,Jor,Dan ***
13th Luftenwelter 8: Drinks & Desini (formerly "Finding Desini")- 4,5 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor,Dan ****
25th Luftenwelter 9: The Escape Debacle - 3,5 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor,Dan ***
29th Luftenwelter 10: Talking to Pirates - 2,5 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor,Dan **

8th Luftenwelter 11: The Schnitzeljagd - 3,5 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor,Dan ****
15th Nyrondria 7: The Ambushes of Anros - 3 hours - Tom;Man,Dan,Jor
16th Luftenwelter 12: Snakes vs. Pirates - 4 hours - Ser;Vla,Jor,Dan

So in the end I played 35 times (+ one creation session I have in the calendar).
I am quite sure I will add some nice pie charts here soon. :)

My RPG Calendar 2009

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