Saturday, May 10, 2008

All the RPGs I ever played

=============== 1988-1997 (Carinthia)
1. The Dark Eye 1 and 2
(+DIY TDE1 scifi system "The Black Future Eye" I was 9 when I came up with the name and system...)
2. Marvel Super Heroes (TSR)
3. Shadowrun 1
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness
5. Plüsch, Power und Plunder (alive teddies RPG)
6. Talislanta
7. AD&D2
8. Rolemaster
9. Rifts
10. Spacemaster (One Shot)
11. Star Wars (WEG) (One Shot)
12. Warhammer RPG 1
(Unisys20, my self created Proto-D20 with heavy GURPS character creation influence and Rolemaster-like critical damage tables - done in 1996 )
Via mIRC: Heroes Unlimited
=============== 1998-2004 (Vienna)
PbeM: Nightbane, Marvel Super Heroes and Risus.
13. Werewolf: The Apocalypse (One Shot)
=============== 2005-2006 (Vienna)
14. Savage Worlds (50 Fathoms)
15. Unknown Armies (One Shot)
16. D&D 3.5 (also Castles&Crusades and Microlite20)
=============== 2007 (Cologne)
17. Call of Cthulhu
18. Universalis (One Shot)
19. Primetime Adventures (Con One Shot, more 2008 in Dublin)
=============== 2007 (Vienna)
20. Marvel Universe RPG (One Shot)
================ 2008 (Dublin)
21. World of Synnibarr (One Shot)
22. Serenity/Firefly (Double Shot)
================ 2009 (Dublin)
23. D&D 4 (online via
24. Agon (Double Shot)
25. The Mountain Witch (Double Shot where only first half happened)
================ 2010 (Dublin)
26. Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Spacve RPG

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